Now is the Time.


Welcome to the alternative precinct of future, sustainable personal transportation. Where quantum shifts in efficiency are being implemented.

Blac Tech is a newly established concern based in London, cementing ground-breaking innovation within the sustainable transport and mobility sector. On land, sea and the atmosphere.  

As a manufacturing entity that develops innovative transportation products of the future, with the core, flagship product being a unique, long developed electric aircraft offering.

Blac Tech has a number of fully developed patents, across the personal transit spectrum, awaiting submission.

Blac Tech is also active in creating unique transition technologies with realised designs within the bicycle, auto-cycle and aerospace sector, several patents within each segment are sought (prepared). These being fully underpinned by key structural, efficiency and performance gains - utilising novel structures & configurations.

The more basic products will also serve as valuable, bridging technologies & products, helping to equitably graduate towards our core business and challenges.


What sets the Blac Tech products apart are the introductions of dynamic, mechanical & aero capabilities + efficiencies - made possible by adopting advanced structural geometries & configurations. An approach that can deliver greatly expanded operational efficiencies. Being able to add to the inherent safety and stability of transit crafts, providing unparalleled safety performance.


Forging a New Way…

Aside from overcoming our own unique barriers which would make such a project an unlikely success within this industry, Blac Tech is poised to be one of the most iconic transportation concerns that could define the sector. Resulting from the very unique leaps of capability that are being developed through alternative, next generation product realisations.

Blac Tech has a sustainable & unique, graduated product activation strategy. Building manufacturing capability & capacity in a graduated, proactive & market tested approach, from a portfolio of products.

Check out some of the products Blac Tech is involved with overleaf, and the unique philosophies behind these.

Hop on board a new sustainable chapter in human transit. Now is the time…

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Any images or technology disclosed here-in are illustrative and descriptive.